Straightforward Pricing 

No guesswork needed.


  • Typically 30 minutes to one hour shoot if within driving distance
  • I will take 10 to 20 photos in raw format. 
  • $ 75/hr for processing and delivery which typically takes one hour

  • $75/hr for photo shoot
  • I take 8 - 10 photos in raw format, you can pick 1-2 shots
  • $100/hr for up to 2 poses. Typical time is 1 to 1 & 1/2 hrs
$75 - $100/hr
Large Groups

  • $100/hr for photo shoot.
  • You may choose 1 - 2 poses of the same group.
  • Additional time for couple pictures or sub-groups 
  • $75/hr for processing. Typical time is 1 to 1 & 1/2 hrs but can vary with the number or couple or sub-group photos


  • $100/hr time will vary depending on background needed and number of products
Real Estate

  • $125 per house if 3000 square feet or less.
  • I provide 30+ photos including areal view of the front of the house.
  • Additional $50 for areal views of the surroundings 
  • $150 per house larger than 4000 square feet. Areal photos same as above.
  • $200 per house larger than 10,000 square feet. areal photos same as above
$125 - $200 per house

  • $100/hr I can take posed photos and/or candid photos.
  • I can also take video or specific moments during the event.
  • If you wants both video and photos, I can bring a second photographer for $75/hr.
  • $75/hr for processing and delivery of digital photos.
  • Call for printed photo prices.
Premium Services

Weddings, Engagements, Senior Pictures, Special Birthdays

  • $120/hr for one photographer 
  • $200/hr for two professional photographers 
  • An initial meeting is required to asses the needs of the customer.
  • We require a complete list of every primary photo that is needed.
  • We usually take at least 100 to 200 photos of your event. 
  • $110/hr for processing and delivery of digital photos. We enhance each final photo (60 - 80).
  • Proofs will be available 48 hrs after the event. Call for prices of photo books and/or wall hanging art from your photos.
$120 - $200/hr